While the office may be empty, the need to motivate and celebrate your staff is still critical to the success of every recruitment business whilst working remotely.

Pre covid cube19 customers took great joy in using deal flashes as a fun and lighthearted way of praising those hard-won placements (not to mention encouraging healthy competition!) but without the normal round of applause across the sales floor, they simply don’t provide the same morale boost.

So how can deal flashes be incorporated into our new working world? 

cube19 now allows you to re-run any deal flashes from the previous 7 days at a time to suit you. Be it during an in-person team meeting, or your whole company sales review over Zoom whilst working remotely.

You just need a web browser logged into cube19 running a suitable cubeTV channel, and a cubeTV admin on hand, who can ‘reflash’ at the right moment. Simply flick to the channel, ensure you’re sharing the screen when running over Zoom, and start celebrating!

Working remotely

Maybe there are some achievements that are older than 7 days, but certainly worth highlighting? cube19 can assist by reflashing any deal, then it will appear in your list, ready to be reflashed when the time is right. Perhaps you want to highlight the biggest placement of the year, or a new consultant’s first deal? Simply send the Placement ID/s to support@cube19.com with at least 48 hours notice, and we’ll make it happen.